
oh hi there, i've moved

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killing me softly

school has eaten me. here's a special photo for the world, less about the clothes - focus seems to be on the .. hair. haha, enjoy this club monaco and michael kors glory as i study for my last exam. i promise more posts are in store for the future.


i heard you good with them soft lips

i usually hate the colour orange, but when it comes to leaves i can deal. mainly because they make the streets so beautiful and happy. it wasn't even sunny outside when these photos were taken but the orange leaves just warm up the photos.


doctors say i'm the illest

Long weekend, yet I was super short on time. Had to squeeze in this make-shift photoshoot inbetween dinner and a movie and to be honest I'm not a big fan of the outcome. Why was my hair so flat that day? I'm posting these photos however, because I recently purchased these shoes! I've been wanting them forever and just wanted to share my excitement and satisfaction with the world. Hopefully there will be better photos for you in the future.

Also, I've recently discovered a way to post vertical photos without ruining the quality - so that's also new .. but not as exciting as my new wedges!


i'm glad we met

My new Zara knit kept me cozy this breezy weekend. The weather was super deceiving and decided to look beautiful but feel like an igloo. I sported my Michael Kors Hamilton Tote with the chained shoulder strap for once because my arm actually got tired at one point, which is new. Overall, a beautiful and relaxing weekend. Now time to hit the books, summer is officially over.